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About me

Hi, I'm Kamil, 22 years old junior frontend developer based in Rybnik, Poland. I have an experience in building efficient web applications using various technology. My curiosity about how websites work, made me discover an interesting environment which is web development. Currently finishing bachelor's studies - Marketing & Sales but most of my free time, I’m spending on developing myself as frontend developer.

Skills and technologies

I work with technologies such as TypeScript, Tailwind, React and Solid.js on a daily basis.












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This was my first serious project, the first time I had an opportunity to work with React and the Next.js framework. I learned how to split my code into smaller components, get rid of large amount of code by using map for repetitive things, how to build responsive website and how important is semantic HTML. It was also my first project where I've used Tailwind, since then it's my must have!

built with

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Memory Game

Memory Game was a project to practice how Javascript works. In first version of memory game, Javascript was manipulating DOM, but over time, I've learned that I should keep Javascript logic separately from HTML. I've also used Jest to learn how to write and use tests. Every part of code is commented so feel free to check it on Github!

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Tagify uses AI to find the best trending tags for your photos by analyzing them and matching with current trends. In this project I was designing and styling application.

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Upcoming projects

I'm currently working on several projects, it's still some time away before it goes public, but you'll see them soon!

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Solidwork is a site where you will be able to find Solid.js jobs. It's the biggest project I could work on so far. I didn't just create the code, I went through designing the site, creating primitive component and finding the best solutions. I faced problems such as filtering, add query params and caching data.

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Business card creator

Working on application where you can create virtual business card. It's a CRUD app, that storages data in Supabase. It was my first touch with database where I've learnt how to fetch and send data, add login possibility and add policies that define allowed operations.


Want to get in touch or ask me something? Here is how you can reach me...